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Using Technology for preparing and sharing content

The module we are focusing today on, Using technology for preparing and sharing content, aims to:

• To present the psychological context of understanding, what motivates someone to create and and share materials.

• The focus will be on the creation of Open Educational Resources (OER).

• The different types of OER are identified, compared, and interpreted.

• Finally, practical references for the assessment of OER will be tested.

The digital world, especially supported by remote work, needs shared materials that are freely accessible to read, edit and forward. Equally well, the digital environment depends on others to make content freely available. This is possible through Open Educational Resources. In the following modules, the form of OER, motivational approaches to designing OER, and verifiability criteria for evaluating OER are noted. The module also includes additional assignments to reflect on and deepen the design and division of content. There are several references to other websites and references to deepen the content.