E4 - PT-Portugal - ReliableGREEN Multiplier event in Portugal
E4 - PT-Portugal - ReliableGREEN Multiplier event in Portugal
Close to the end of the project lifetime and implementation, Rightchallenge will organize a face to face Multiplier Event where stakeholders, VET tutors and associations, SMEs employees and managers will be invited. They will be introduced with the project results and products, encouraging and supporting them to use, apply and implement the project results at the level of their institutions and in their professional activity. Rightchallenge will promote the engagement of the target groups with the resources developed, and through a series of demonstrations they will present in detail the basic deliverables of the project. The event will focus on the institutions and stakeholders with great potential of implementing and disseminating the project results at local, regional and national level, in order to assure the transition to daily practice of the outcomes and facilitating the building of the online working culture at the level of as many institutions as possible. A preliminary structure of the event includes:
-Presentation of Reliable GREEN project
-Presentation of the results of Labor Market Analysis
-Introduction with the engaging Adaptive Telework Toolkit for SMEs and Innovative Mini-learning format resources for SME leaders
-Navigation and familiarization to the e-learning environment
-Learning to teach with tech
- Overview of the implementation in each country
- Discussion
- E-learning readiness checklist, Conclusions and Reflections
Feedback questionnaires will be produced, distributed and collected from the participants in the Multiplier event to obtain the perception of the participants regarding the outputs relevance, impact and to gain further recommendations and suggestions. In order to support the event, the host will produce an interactive presentation of the project results and will distribute communication materials among the participants. A number of 30 participants are expected to attend the event.
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